What to Expect

In worship God gathers his people together to receive His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation and to respond to His gifts in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. Worship refreshes us and enlivens us through the Holy Spirit, enabling us to go back into the world to fulfill our vocations throughout the rest of the week. Our worship at Trinity centers around the Word and Sacraments (Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper) in which God forgives our sins and strengthens our bond with Him and one another.


We seek to strike a balance in our worship between timeliness and timelessness. We follow the structure of worship (the liturgy) that has been used by the Christian church for centuries. Within that structure, music and other service elements are used that represent that our God reigns over all times and places. We regularly sing hymns that were composed in Germany in the sixteenth century alongside hymns that were composed in Africa in the twentieth century and America in the twenty-first century.

Service Times

Regular Worship:
-Saturday, 6:00 pm
-Sunday, 8:00 & 10:30 am

Summer Worship:
Memorial Day thru Labor Day
-Saturday, 6:00 pm
-Sunday, 9:30 am


Feel free to wear whatever is comfortable for you to our worship services.  We have a nursery for children up to four years old.  Assistive hearing devices are available.


Have another accessibility need?  Please feel free to contact us ahead of time to let us know how we can help you!