Giving to Specific Funds
Unless otherwise directed, all electronic giving will go into the General Operating fund as regular envelope offering. If you would like to give to another fund, please see your options below.
After creating an account, you will have the option to set up one-time or recurring offering. You will also be asked to choose a fund. The first option, General Operating, will go toward your regular envelope offering. Other options include:
Building Improvement Fund
150th Anniversary
School Capital Improvements
Calvary Lutheran High School
Text to Give
Text: (573) 240-8447
When texting an amount, you can include key words after the amount to send your contributions to a specific fund. Example: “25 Lent” would send $25 to Lenten Denials. Without key words, contributions will go to the General Operating fund toward your regular envelope offering. Here are a list of key words:
for Building Improvement Fund, use “building”
for 150th Anniversary, use “150th”
for School Capital Improvements, use “SCI”
for Coupon Ministry, use “coupon”
for Calvary Lutheran High School, use “CLHS”